Thursday, 4 February 2010

Notes to self

These are real, found spread across my kitchen over the course of today:

Emma - see if Spillers sell the Y Niwl EP online, love yourself

Emma - I am empty please fill me with fruit, love the fruit bowl

Emma - You have already taken 2 of these do NOT take anymore till lunchtime, love yourself

the last one was underneath the Nurofen... even very tired at silly o clock I'm keen to avoid an accidental overdose.

Was a time I laughed at my ex father in law for similar behaviour, though he was prone to leaving notes like ' don't forget to pick L up from work today' now, as my memory fades into a place where weird facts and peculiar thoughts lie, rather then the important information that will see me through the day, I begin to slowly understand.. that actually we, the Human race are quite stupid. Or at least we reach a point in existence whereupon we cease the urge to take in day to day information, and these notes become an important factor... how long I wonder till I leave myself a list sellotaped to my face just to make sure I do what needs to be done, not go off yeti hunting with a packet of jelly babies or something.

Anyway thats quite enough of this, I need to research the Restoration Era.


  1. dunno, I got caught up in a Wickerman fruit crisis.... ("No Apples?!!"
