Sunday, 14 March 2010

I may have been watching DVD boxed sets.

Poor Rose Tyler, she did get herself in a predicament didn't she.. well in so much as a fictional character can.

Such an ordinairy girl, worked in a shop, lived on a Council Estate with her mum, you know the sort happy with their lot in life..., nothing especially unusual about her, pretty eyes, nice smile.. clothes that leave a lot to be desired... She never was going to be my favourite companion, though she was better then Martha (who will never be forgiven as a character for saying, or an actress for agreeing to say 'Its me Martha and I'm bringing you back to Earth') no my favourite was Donna, but thats another story.

So yes, Ordinairy girl gets whipped out of time and life by some mysterious man known only as 'The Doctor', she see's her normal earth boyfriend turned into plastic after being eaten by a wheelie bin, she watches the end of the world far far in the future, and at no point does she say 'now hang ON a minute here' or indeed take leave of her senses, such is I suppose the power of a fictional universe. Yes she made the occasional faux pas, talking to Daleks, interfering with her own timeline and nearly causing the known universe to collapse in the process.. but with the Doctor by her side, everything was fixable, everything could be restored, and you were shown perhaps just how much power an unassuming ordinairy girl can have.

Right up until the point, where faced with his own Demons, faced with deciding live and wipe out a species or die and leave the world to face its fate, a choice, damaged and broken the Doctor couldn't make, and so he did what anyone with two hearts would do... he sent away the one person who could have helped him, back to her normal life, to working in a shop and living on a Council Estate with her Mum.... having seen so much, and been so many places, its understandable perhaps, that Rose Tyler went a bit mad, so mad in fact she ripped open the tardis, absorbed the time vortex, turned Daleks into dust, and found herself, burning up inside, seeing and understnding everything all at once, and in pain.... and all because, she had an irrepressible need to fix things and help her Doctor one last time. Of course all turned out for the best, only it killed her Doctor in the process... nothing was ever going to be the same after that, she'd gone way too far and developed a god complex to boot.. but she saved the world...

It wasn't of course being with the Doctor that made her Brilliant, just that he made her realise her own power... and to boot he told her, albeit in a slightly cocksure Northern manner

"You were fantastic, Absolutley fantastic, and do you know what? So was I"

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