Wednesday 14 July 2010

I should not be allowed out in public, or at least I should not be allowed NEAR my Eldest sons teacher without a gag. Unless I have a specific reason to speak to him, I am incapable of maintaining anything resembling a sensible parent demeanour, this is largely because the Man is just NOT in any sense LIKE a teacher, he is affable and has a sense of humour, he also sussed early in the academic year that YES Ms Fanylion IS something of force to reckoned with if the well being of her children is at stake, but that that drops the second its dealt with and its back to mildly mocking the world, and saying stupid things.

Having viewed my sons work, causing a cross classroom ripple of laughter from m'sally, when I commented 'I KNOW this piece of music' as a slide show of fresh faced Y4 children at the start of the year was slowly fading in a and out on the interactive whiteboard...'hang on THIS is the main theme from The Omen isn't it...

The slide shows continued, and catching my quizzical eyebrow, Mr M, explained that they had been for a walk one afternoon, to the cemetery, and one of the children had taken these photos.. it wasn't as I speculated, a slide show he displayed regularly, during tests, looking knowingly at the children and saying 'well Kids, if you don't do well enough you KNOW what I'll have to do' and nodding knowingly at the images of tombstones and wreaths..

After a whilst, it essentially became, a case of his showing videos, photos and a friendly, amiable chat.. the children were playing happily..

A whilst ago, some African drummers went in and did a workshop.... so we saw a video of that, the kids decided to commentate on this, hammer out beats on the desks.. and then, my eldest pipes up something...

Something that will lead to my opening my mouth, before I can stop it happening.. that will shock the two mysterious parents who wish to MEET Mr M before he starts teaching their infant children next year.. something that will take a whilst to live down

Mum, that drum I'm being taught to play, its a Buggerabu

a what?


*childish laughter from everyone present*

I see... poor Abu

*more laughter*

*things calm slowly adults can just about look up, children revelling in saying bugger and getting away with it*

Wasn't THAT the monkey in Aladdin?

* more giggling and a SWIFT change of subject before the children dare question WHY its funny*

Well we'd best go see Mrs C, and acquaint ourselves with her, perhaps you could put that wig on, and pretend to be someone else for a whilst Mr M?

He didn't, apparently he only does THAT on Saturdays....


  1. Nothing wrong with a bit of inappropriare amusement at parents' evening....and oh, there's the thunder, hopefully slightly bypassing us.

  2. Damn my fast-paced fingers, that would be inappropriate, bloody typos grumble grumble...
